Sunday, 26 October 2014

If it's not the same, it's different

I'm exhausted, bleary eyed, disorientated and more hangover than humanly possible, but I'm happy. I've staved off the homesickness momentarily by going up the northern railway track to good old Liverpool to see two of my bestest's. No doubt I drank too much, spent too much and slept too much but it was the nicest weekend I've had in ages. The hectic life that is Liverpool uni got me thinking though.... 

Uni Life
I've made no secret of the fact that university hasn't been what I expected it to be like. This is absolutely 100% not a bad thing, because I actually think the way it has turned out is much better. However, when I went to Liverpool this weekend and stayed in my friends halls, it was the epitome of what I had envisaged in my head. Drinking games, beer bongs, becoming best friends with random people on a night out, throwing up in the street (that was me by the way), is everything i thought my uni life would be like. Don't get me wrong, I have been out alo-oot since I moved to Manchester, but it's been with a more tight-knit, selected group of friends. I absolutely loved my weekend away (as I may have expressed) and I'm so glad I got toe experience that, but honestly- after just 2 days I am absolutely wrecked. I feel like it will take me a week to get over this, and I definitely couldn't do it permanently. It's just not me. 
The two contrasts of university life that have been experienced made me realise that everybody has a different experience with uni, and that's perfectly okay. I'm happy with how my little life has turned out, and am actually glad that I'm not in mainstream halls. It has definitely worked out for the best in more ways than one. 

Although it was lovely to see some friendly faces this weekend, I am more excited than anything to go home for the entire week on Saturday. Whats better is that I'm stopping off in London for a few days first with my boyfriend to see my aunty and uncle and my best friend- and it can't come quick enough. It means that this time when I'm home I will actually be able to see everyone that I need to, and not have to worry about fitting everyone in in time because I have a whole week to do so. I've had such a busy couple of weeks that I want nothing more right now than to cwtch up on the sofa with a duvet and a cup of tea and watch Friends re-runs all day long. It's going to be complete bliss. Home sweet home. 

Compliment my blog, you compliment me
Because my blog is so personal to me I actually burst with pride if someone compliments it. What makes it better as well is when people who i totally didn't expect to be reading it come up to me or message me and say "I've been reading your blog, it's really good." I get this wave of pride and satisfaction. Last night, by complete chance i ran into a girl who used to go to my school- baring in mind we were in Liverpool at the time and neither of us go to Liverpool university it was a complete coincidence. She said that she'd been reading my blog and she thought that it was amazing, and that people would completely relate to it. I don't think she knows just how much something like that means to me. The whole aim of this blog was to highlight every single high and low point of uni life, to show to people that they aren't going through it on their own, and that not everything is as it seems. When someone recognises this in my writing, it makes me feel as though I am achieving what i set out to do, and that is all any writer can ask for. So if you're reading this now, drop me a message to just let me know what you think of it- it will mean the world to me!

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