Monday, 26 January 2015

This one goes out to the one I love

So for some reason for the last two days I've come over all soppy, and am realising just how lucky I am to have the people that I have in my life. If I had to tot up the collective hours spent texting, face timing, and phoning my beautiful people back home (and dotted round the country in various unis) I would be dealing with a very large number (which scares me because maths is not my strong point, hello English degree). Thank god for free iMessage and FaceTime, and unlimited minutes ey! 

If I was making a speech right now I would be raising a glass to my mum. God bless her, we argue till the cows come home when I'm back home, but even still I will always come to her for advice. We once spent a solid 4 and a half hours on the phone (ironically the same time as it takes me to get back to wales on the train) just talking about...well nothing of importance actually. I look forward to our phone calls each week, and her cute text in between always make me laugh. When I ring her with a problem, or just to rant, I know I can count on her to rant on my behalf and come with a beautiful solution to whatever the problem may be (sometimes it's just a case of adding garlic to my pasta sauce). She rocks my world and I want to be even just as half as fabulous as her when im a mother. 

Next is my long suffering other half. He constantly has to deal with my moods, emotional melt downs and irrational rants despite him being 200 miles away- despite the grief I sometimes give him I don't know how I would cope without him. Our daily FaceTime and constant texting lighten my mood everyday second of the day. Being away has only made us stronger- and I'm so grateful to have such a loyal, trusting and patient other half. I look forward to our weekends and weeks together- I have a count down on my calendar ( 4 days til our next one).

Lastly (because I would be here for hours if I had to list everyone) is my main gal. Charl is the beautiful being that has the good fortune to be my bestie! She listens to my rants and rants with me. She calls me in tears and I drunkenly announce my undying love for her on a regular basis. Again, our ridiculously long phone calls are the highlight of my day- and our inside jokes,amazing memories and endless laughter is the product of 6 amazing years of friendship. 

Not to mention the girls here in uni who make this whole thing worth it! I'm in a loving mood and I'm happy to have such amazing people in my life. If you're reading this, you're probably one of them, so thank you! 

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Busy, busy bee

So I feel pretty bad about the fact that I've been back in Uni for 2 weeks and I have yet to post a single blog post. Oops. So what's been going on with me.... Everything, pretty much.

Housemates, welcome
So, possibly the most exciting news of all is that we have signed the tenancy agreement for our house next year. A whole week of some very...interesting house viewings and we finally found the one we all wanted. We saw the house on Monday but held off until new saw the ones we had booked to view on Thursday. But about half way into the houses on Thursday it was preeettttyyy clear that we wouldn't be taking any of them. I have seen some sights in rented house but these were just appalling. Dated and stained carpets, kitchens which were smaller than my wardrobe (not even joking) and mould ridden bathrooms drove us to cut short the viewings and go straight to the state agents from Monday and put our names done instantly. The deposit was much more than expected so it leaves me extremely short of money for the next few months but it's all totally worth it. Being in a house with the girls next year will be amazing!

We're all going on a summer holiday 
January is aways the time when everyone feels miserable and instantly reaches for the first holiday brochure they can put their hands on...and I'm afraid I was one of them this year. After searching through website after website we found Lanzarote- and the most amazing looking hotel there. We go 4 days after my exam in May and I am just so excited!!

Back to reality
Practically as soon as i came back from my lovely christmas holiday I had 2 pieces of coursework to hand in within the space of 4 days, so I was pretty busy referencing, researching and more referencing. I'm not sure how I feel about the essays I wrote but I'm trying to tell myself that it's a learning curve, and whatever happens with my results I will see it as a way in which I can improve.
However as soon as I had handed the 2 pieces of coursework in  (after celebrating of course) it soon hit me how much I missed Sam. Before I came back to Manchester I was pretty worried that my first few days here would be filled with misery after missing Sam. But it was actually delayed about a week. As soon as the reunions with the girls and the coursework were out the way I started to miss the little things that I had been used to for the 3 weeks I was home. But I realised that all it meant was that I just had to get used to being away from him again- and I think this week I have. It helps when I think about the next time we see each other, and plan to do nice things when we do. Its hard, but like I've always said, the time we have together makes up for the distance.

Kicking my own butt into action
Over the christmas holidays I promised myself that I would start to focus on my writing and reading a bit more. After the excitement of the first term I sort of neglected my writing- excluding the stuff i wrote for assignments- and I promised myself that this term would be different. However so far this term I haven't quite kept my promise. Next week will be different though. I will endeavour to devote some time to writing, and 'me time' a little bit more.